(Zagmeter) is not a licensed healthcare provider, and doesn’t provide medical diagnosis, nor does it provide medical advice, or guarantees the accuracy of any reports or assessments. This questionnaire and any resulting reports are only intended for the purpose of increasing awareness of your own health and health-related behavior and well-being.
Please answer ALL questions as fully and as completely as possible. If you don’t have the answers to all required questions, you can save the answers you have completed so far for up to 2 weeks (You must allow cookies to be able to resume the questionnaire later - Zagmeter cookie will be saved for 2 weeks). When you have the missing answers, you can come back, start from you left, and complete the questionnaire. No report will be available until all required questions are answered.
Information generated by answering the questions contained hereafter doesn’t constitute a medical diagnosis, and can’t be interpreted as specific medical advice. A qualified healthcare provider must be consulted before making decisions about your health, including any diet, medication, or exercise programs.
By participating in the ZagMeter questionnaire, you are agreeing to the disclaimer statement listed above. No personal health data will ever be made public, shared, or otherwise distributed, without your express, written consent and permission.